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Retail non-performing loans

Customer centricity at the core

The core tenet of our retail business is to make the resolution process easy, seamless and timely to unlock value in retail portfolios of banks and financial institutions.

We achieve this through customer-centricity. Each part of our process aims to provide flexibility and ease of resolving outstanding loans to our customers. We recognize that a default can occur due to circumstances beyond the control of the customer, and flexible solutions might be required for the customer to be able to pay back what they owe to their lenders.

We try to give our customers solutions that suit their financial needs and circumstances. Accordingly, we strive to create as many options as possible for the customer to choose a repayment format that suits them. Though the primary mode of communication we provide our customers is online, they can interact with our resolution associates through a variety of other means, including telephone, in-person discussions with field executives, or online chat in a language of their choice. They can view their account history, repayment options, and resolution plans at their convenience and without any worries about privacy and in a non-intrusive manner.

Above all, we strive to give our customers the best service at par with any world-class institution when it comes to managing their loans.

Operating with transparency and responsibility

IARC's data-driven approach offers a holistic approach to managing and resolving NPLs. We operate in the market responsibly and in compliance with our values, with a view to financial inclusion, offering sustainable recovery plans to both individuals and businesses in the retail space.

As one of the country's leading and most reliable ARCs, we are paving the way to manage NPLs through transparency, openness, and fairness to vulnerable customers. At IARC, we place a high value on our model of ethical recovery, offering debtors the choice of managing repayment plans.

We aim to facilitate the financial re-inclusion of individuals, with particular attention to the most vulnerable categories. We aim to operate with maximum integrity and positively impact the country's economy by bringing productive people and assets back into the mainstream financial system.

Ensuring the integrity of our agents

The resolution process need not be unpleasant or stressful for our customers. Therefore, our conduct – internally and externally through our agent network – complies with high standards of ethical correctness.

We verify the approach by regularly contacting our customers – those who have successfully closed their debt exposure with our flexible repayment plans, as well as those with whom an agreement could not be reached, to verify the correctness and integrity of our network agents.

A reliable partner to financial institutions

IARC is one of the first ARCs to set up an end-to-end resolution management system that allows us to give our institutional partners the best service and value. Core Banking Solution, Collection Management System, Legal and Litigation System and a Digital Front-end form the backbone of this system. We can seamlessly transition large loan portfolios to our systems, freeing up valuable resources at your end to focus on your core business – underwriting credit.

In addition, our proprietary algorithms, deep analytics capabilities and automated workflows allow us to manage large portfolios efficiently. Our war room setup can communicate and coordinate with dozens of agencies and stakeholders in real-time to facilitate resolution quickly.

Wholesale Non-performing Loans

Specialized teams

Wholesale NPL resolution requires a specialized skillset to help businesses reach a quick and productive outcome. IARC's wholesale resolution team has professionals with decades of experience in the field. Our teams have the ability to structure solutions that work for our customers in a variety of situations.

Flexible approach

IARC's range of solutions is not restricted to restructuring and one-time settlements (OTS). We also provide rescue financing, take-out financing, debt consolidation, and a range of other solutions to support the revival of businesses undergoing temporary distress.

Fairness to all stakeholders

We recognize that multiple stakeholders are involved in a business undergoing financial distress. These include lenders, business owners, employees and other entities like vendors and customers of the business. We endeavour to craft solutions that are fair to all stakeholders and within the bounds of the law and relevant regulations.

Asset management for distressed debt

Focused on your goals

As a leading distressed asset management advisor to investors, IARC offers resolution and asset management services that create opportunities for growth, liquidity, and superior long-term returns. Our professionals have the expertise gained from managing distressed assets through multiple business cycles.

At IARC, we have an integrated, multi-disciplinary team of professionals with significant experience working with investors, lenders, and borrowers across the spectrum. Our data-driven approach and ability to deploy a range of tools allow us to pursue resolution strategies that not only safeguard the capital deployed but also generate adequate returns.

Delivering consistent, risk-adjusted returns

Our Asset Management business focuses on delivering sustainable and long-term risk-adjusted returns with the underlying principle of capital growth and preservation across product offerings. IARC has one of the largest alternative investment management platforms in the country. We currently manage total AUM in excess of USD 150 million.

We have a team of over 40+ professionals with deep industry expertise and a proven track record who are supported by the organization's knowledge, experience and network.